Features* Mary Immaculate: Devoted to the Mother of God.* Favorite Links: Catholic apologetics, SciFi, etc. * Catholic Apologetics Webring * My MagMall page
WELCOME TO MY HOME PAGE!My name is James. I'm in my thirties and live in New York State.
This page is about my two main interests in life: Catholic Apologetics and Star Wars (in that order). The main emphasis will be on Apologetics, since I am studying to be an apologist. You may have noticed the articles on Marian Apologetics in the first section. Well, I have to give my wife credit for that series; yes, she wrote that. But I hope to put up some of my own stuff soon. And maybe some more of her stuff :-) In the meantime, I've started a Catholic Apologetics Webring. I noticed that there were a number of rings dedicated to Evangelical Christian Apologetics, and even one for anti-Catholics, but none for Catholic apologists. Since there are lots of great home pages by Catholic apologists, I thought we needed a webring to link them all. If you're one of them, why not check it out? I hope you like the site. Why not bookmark it, since I will be adding more stuff in the near future. Email me at jmscott4@catholic.org