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You are all fair, O Mary,
and the original stain is not in you.
You are the glory of Jerusalem,
You are the joy of Israel,
You are the honor of our people,
You are the Advocate of sinners!
O Mary, Mary,
Virgin most pure,
Mother most merciful;
Pray for us,
Intercede for us with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is truly proper to glorify you who have borne God;
the Ever-Blessed and Immaculate Mother of our God.
More honorable than the Cherubim
and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim,
Who a virgin gave birth to God the Word.
You, truly the Mother of God, we magnify!
This page is dedicated to the all-holy Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, and to the dawning Marian Age: the New Springtime of Holy Mother Church.
Do you object to this site, or to Marian devotion in general? If so, please visit this page.
Current Features
* Visual Scriptural Rosary
* The traditional Prayers of the Rosary in English and Latin.
* A Scriptural Rosary of the Seven Sorrows
* Catholic Devotion to Mary: A Defense
* The Face of Our Mother?
* Mary's Words: in Scripture and Approved Apparitions
* Five pages of Marian Links:
Soon to Come
I am working on the following features and hope to have them up soon:
* Miraculously-produced Images of Mary
So why not bookmark this page? I hope to be adding more soon, God willing!
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