Pontmain, France (1870)

The vision of Our Lady of Hope at Pontmain was silent, but the following words appeared on a banner at her feet:

"But pray, my children."

"God will hear you in a little while."

"My Son allows Himself to be touched." (meaning, "moved by compassion".)

Beauraing, Belgium (1932-1933)

2 December: "Always be good. Is it true you will always be good?"

21 December: "I am the Immaculate Virgin."

28 December: "Soon I shall appear for the last time."

29 December: "Pray, pray very much."

30 December: "Pray, pray very much."

1 January 1933: "Pray always."

2 January: "Tomorrow I will speak to each one of you separately."

3 January: (To Big Gilberte) "I will convert sinners."

3 January: (To Andree) "I am the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven. Pray always!"

3 January: (To Fernande) "Do you love my Son? Do you love me? Then sacrifice yourself for me."

Banneaux, Belgium (1932)
"This stream is reserved for me, Good evening."

"Push your hands into the water."

"I am the Virgin of the poor. "

"This spring is reserved for all the nations - to relieve the sick."

"I shall pray for you. Au Revoir."

"I come to relieve suffering."

"Believe in me, I will believe in you. Pray much. Au Revoir."

"My dear child, pray much. Au Revoir."

"I am the Mother of the Saviour, Mother of God, Pray much. Adieu."

More to come soon, God willing!

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